

Posted on April 2, 2010 at 12:27 pm by Andrew Arnott

vclever blog is here!

It's here!

So, what’ll be on here, I hear you ask?

Well, I’ll be using this blog to show you what we’re currently working on, to update you on any interesting stories and developments here at vclever and within the industry, and to voice my opinion on anything from technology, digital marketing, web and graphic design, and advertising.

If that sounds a bit dull, it really won’t be!  As you know, we’ve got a pretty informal style here, so don’t expect me to gibber on about dry marketing or technological theories – I’ll try to stick to interesting things we’re up to, bizarre stories or cutting edge stuff.  I love gadgets (and digital gadgets/tools at that) so will mention them whenever I come across cool stuff that I think you should take a look at.

Welcome and hope you enjoy the posts to come…

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