

Posted on June 4, 2011 at 1:04 pm by Andrew Arnott

An amazing use of augmented reality

A new app on the iphone is finally demonstrating the power and possibilities of AR.

Augmented reality (AR) is being talked about a lot at the moment, but for all the buzz, I’ve yet to see anything that’s more than just a novelty. Until Word Lens appeared that is. (more…)

Filed under: All, Check this out, Technical stuff | No comments yet

Posted on June 9, 2010 at 5:02 pm by Andrew Arnott

Google TV – pass the remote

google tv

You may have heard about Google’s latest venture in its quest for world domination – Google TV.

If you haven’t, check out Google’s introduction.  It integrates the web and TV programmes on your television using an interface that looks suspiciously like the old Windows Media Centre.

It got me thinking about how home entertainment is going to look in the not-too-distant future.  Are we really going to gather round our all-singing all-dancing televisions to watch TV-on-demand and the best the web has to offer? Read the full article

Filed under: All, Articles, Industry news, News | 1 comment


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