

Posted on June 24, 2013 at 9:11 am by Andrew Arnott

Customizing the Hootsuite dashboard to create a cleaner, brighter theme

Tired of the dated, fussy design of the Hootsuite dashboard? I was, so I created a new cleaner version, which you can use on your own Hootsuite dashboard (if you use Chrome or Firefox).

Improved Hootsuite theme

Restyling Hootsuite

Here at vclever, we’re big users of Hootsuite, a social media dashboard that makes it easy to manage multiple accounts on Facebook and Twitter, amongst others. But the hideous appearance of the dashboard niggles at me. While others, like Twitter and Google+, have been rolling out beautiful new looks, Hootsuite’s three themes are starting to look a bit tired and dated thanks to thick shadows and strong gradients plastered everywhere, and colour-schemes that are less than tasteful.

Although I had better things to be doing at the time(!!), I decided to dabble with Hootsuite’s CSS using Chrome’s developer tools to make the appearance fresher, easier on the eye, cleaner and brighter. (more…)

Filed under: All, Articles, Design, Technical stuff | No comments yet

Posted on March 16, 2013 at 4:04 pm by Andrew Arnott

Annual design trends infographic from Shutterstock

Shutterstock infographic

Thought we’d share this infographic from one of the leading stock image providers – Shutterstock.

As a provider of stock media – from photos to vectors to videos – they are sat on a huge amount of data, so are in a great position to identify trends, not just from the images and media that people have bought, but also from what their users are searching for. (more…)

Filed under: All, Check this out, Design | No comments yet


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