

Posted on January 26, 2012 at 11:54 am by Andrew Arnott

A few random things you may not know about the internet


Google was originally called BackRub

But fortunately they changed the name before they were incorporated. Probably wouldn’t have been quite the success it is today!

Want to see how their logo evolved? Read this article on Wired to find out >

Meta Keywords are worthless!

When people talk about SEO (search engine optimisation), you will often hear them advise you to carefully choose keywords that are representative of the page and to put these in the header section under the title ‘meta keywords’. Well, guess what? No major search engine pays a blind bit of notice to them. (more…)

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Posted on October 8, 2010 at 10:09 am by Andrew Arnott

2 really useful sites – Highrise and Hipmunk

hipmunk image

These are the sort of things I love on the web. These 2 sites are completely unrelated, but have one thing in common – they’re seriously useful and user-friendly. Oh, that’s two things.


This is a CRM (customer relationship management) platform. What we love about it here at vclever is that 1) it’s incredibly user-friendly and intuitive Read more

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